Romney: ‘Britain is just a small island that doesn’t make things people want to buy’

Mitt Romney's trip to the UK has gone from bad to worse. It was revealed today that he described Britain as 'just a small island' that 'doesn't make things that people in the rest of the world want to buy'.

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Mitt Romney’s trip to the UK has gone from bad to worse as it was revealed today that he described Britain as ‘just a small island’ that ‘doesn’t make things that people in the rest of the world want to buy’.

The revelation makes a mockery of the racially motivated comments of a Romney advisor who claimed earlier this week that President Obama did not ‘fully appreciate’ the special relationship because he isn’t of ‘Anglo Saxon heritage’.

Romney’s trip to the UK has been blighted by a series of gaffes. A Parliamentary motions last week criticissed the role of Barclays executives in organising a $75,000 per head fundraising dinner, concerns were raised about the racial overtones of comments about Obama’s attitude towards the UK, and the presidential candidate today flip-flopped over the Olympics after previously questioning London’s preparedness.

But Foreign Policy have now revealed that in his 2010 book, No Apology, Romney wrote:

“England [sic] is just a small island. Its roads and houses are small. With few exceptions, it doesn’t make things that people in the rest of the world want to buy. And if it hadn’t been separated from the continent by water, it almost certainly would have been lost to Hitler’s ambitions. Yet only two lifetimes ago, Britain ruled the largest and wealthiest empire in the history of humankind. Britain controlled a quarter of the earth’s land and a quarter of the earth’s population.”

Is this series of gaffes the reason why tickets for tonights drinks reception have been slashed to just $1,000 per person?


See also:

Romney, boss of corruption-laden Salt Lake City 02, questions our readiness to host Games 26 Jul 2012

Romney’s ‘Anglo-Saxon’ dog whistle the latest in a string of attacks on Obama’s heritage 25 Jul 2012

Parliamentary motion calls on Barclays’s senior staff to stop fundraising for Romney 17 Jul 2012

Romney’s bankerlove extends as Barclays lobbyist raises $184k for Presidential campaign 16 Jul 2012

Obscene: Romney to host $75,000 London fundraiser – hosted by a lobbyist for Barclays 11 Jul 2012



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78 Responses to “Romney: ‘Britain is just a small island that doesn’t make things people want to buy’”

  1. Ann Carrier

    Mittens doesn’t drink liquor. His Mormon cult forbids it. Reason enough run his ass off to home. In a few weeks, he’ll go back to relative obscurity (I hope). Oh, and did I say I’m sorry? I beg your pardon that this ridiculous child got out of his playpen, crossed the pond, and tried to bother the grownups. Really, I feel like copying this apology and pasting it to every post I see here. I’m that ashamed. Please, just know that there are many good and relatively sane people here in the USA who are powerless over his behavior until November (then we’ll set him straight!). The guy is such a douche, am I right??? Sheesh! So much money wasted on THAT shat-for-brains…

  2. B

    Mr. Undiplomatic RT @leftfootfwd: Romney: 'Britain is just a small island that doesn't make things people want to buy'

  3. Grant Buttars

    Frm last nite >>> Romney: 'Britain is just a small island that doesn't make things people want to buy': #RomneyShambles

  4. Luke Burton

    Frm last nite >>> Romney: 'Britain is just a small island that doesn't make things people want to buy': #RomneyShambles

  5. Kelly Wood

    Frm last nite >>> Romney: 'Britain is just a small island that doesn't make things people want to buy': #RomneyShambles

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