Budget 2012: Good or bad? For the few or the many? Vote in our survey

Vote in Left Foot Forward’s Budget 2012 survey. It closes at 12:00pm on Friday, March 23rd, with the results being sent out later that day in our weekly email.

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Ed Miliband has dubbed it “a millionaire’s budget that squeezes the middle”, “unfair” and “out of touch”, “for the few, not the many”, an unfair budget from the “same old Tories”.

George-Osborne-Budget-2012George Osborne, meanwhile, has said it’s a budget that “supports working families and helps those looking for work”, “unashamedly backs business” and “is on the side of aspiration – those who want to do better for themselves and for their families”.

But what do you think? Vote in our Budget 2012 survey and have your say.

The survey also includes questions to find out more about who reads the site. This enables us to attract advertisers – the only reason why, along with the donations we receive, we can continue to run the blog. By completing the survey you are therefore helping us immensely.

The survey closes at 12:00pm on Friday, March 23rd, with the results being sent out later that afternoon in our weekly email – sign up for it here.

Here it is:

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world’s leading questionnaire tool.

To recap, the survey closes at 12:00pm on Friday, March 23rd; to receive the results, sign up here.


See also:

Budget 2012: Breaking down the benefits bill 21 Mar 2012

Budget 2012: Tippex still wet on the coalition agreement 21 Mar 2012

Budget 2012: Impact per decile – the poorer you are, the harder you’re hit 21 Mar 2011

Budget 2012: It may do nothing for growth, but the fat cats will purr more loudly 21 Mar 2012

Budget 2012: Can Ed and Ed restore Labour’s credibility? 21 Mar 2012


We will have more analysis of the budget throughout this week on Left Foot Forward.


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52 Responses to “Budget 2012: Good or bad? For the few or the many? Vote in our survey”

  1. Holman

    Good idea. If Norway, which is self sufficient in hydrocarbons, can have a super high tax, so can we. The global tragedy is that the pump price in the USA is way less than half of ours and no politician dare mention it. No wonder they have import problems.

  2. Stoprisk

    With 10 pounds per gallon petrol rail fares could be 10 pence per mile and there need be no spending cuts at all. AND we would no longer need to import Oil and Trouble from Saudi Arabia.

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