Top videos of 2011: #6: Rifkind v Dorries

We continue our countdown of the ten best videos of 2011 with Malcolm Rifkind v Nadine Dorries.


Join Left Foot Forward as we look over the year that was, and count down our ten favourite videos of 2011…

Prior to David Cameron’s ‘veto’ over the European stability plan, Newsnight had two Tories on to discuss the Conservatives’ attitude to Europe.

What could have been a staid discussion about intra-party politics took a turn for the fascinating, however, thanks to the fact that one of the two was Nadine Dorries, who proceeded to argue for referendums, talk about the eurozone as though it were a new thing, and argue that anything which affects our economy transfers sovereignty.

Sir Malcolm Rifkind, representing the Earth-based wing of the Tory party, had his work cut out:

Mad Nad: Mad, bad, and dangerous.

See also:

Malcolm Rifkind: Nadine Dorries doesn’t live in the real worldAlex Hern, December 8th 2011

The costs and consequences of Dorries’s abortion proposalsAshwin Kumar, August 31st 2011

If anti-abortionists have their way on counselling, what will they demand next?Shamik Das, August 31st 2011

Cameron, Clarke, Dorries, Willetts… The Tories keep screwing up on gender equalityDaniel Elton, May 22nd 2011

Dorries: “I totally admire Sarah Palin”Shamik Das, September 30th 2010

10 Responses to “Top videos of 2011: #6: Rifkind v Dorries”

  1. Extradition Game

    RT @leftfootfwd: Our sixth favourite video of the year: – Rifkind v Dorries #BestVideosOf2011 #NewsClub

  2. Jamie

    Top videos of 2011: #6: Rifkind v Dorries

  3. Tom May

    Nadine Dorries – you'd trust her to inform the public about Europe… :

  4. Chloe Paraskeva

    RT @leftfootfwd: Top videos of 2011: #6: Rifkind v Dorries

  5. TheCreativeCrip

    Our 6th favourite video of the year: – Rifkind v Dorries #BestVideosOf2011

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