Latest Liddle outburst: “F*** off back to where you’re from, then, you Muslims.”

Rod Liddle's description of "Somali Muslim savages" has been criticised by leading UK Muslims, as has his insinuation that the Left do not criticise extremism.

Rod Liddle’s description of “Somali Muslim savages” and the implication that British Muslims and the Left are uncritical of practices such as beheading, stoning and mutilation – and seek to silence such criticism – have been brushed aside by leading mainstream Muslims.

Maajid Nawaz, Director of the Quilliam Foundation, told Left Foot Forward:

“If it’s offensive, it’s offensive, and it should be criticised and we’ll criticise it – and we’ll get criticised for that. But the people criticising us are themselves the extremists.

“Where Rod Liddle gets into trouble is when putting this together with everything else.”

Liddle, who’s in the running to be the next editor of the Independent – which Left Foot Forward reported yesterday – had written in the Spectator on November 19:

“Time for a quick update on what the Muslim savages are up to. Here’s a story from today’s Daily Mail, with a cut-out-keep picture, of Somali Muslim savages stoning to a twenty year old woman for the crime of adultery.

He concluded his article with a sarcastic sideswipe at Somalis:

“Incidentally, many Somalis have come to Britain as immigrants recently, where they are widely admired for their strong work ethic, respect for the law and keen, piercing, intelligence.”

And on Saturday, in a column on the now-abandoned Islam4Uk march through Wootton Bassett, he wrote:

“F*** off back to where you’re from, then, you Muslims.”

• Join the Facebook group to stop Liddle becoming the Indy editor.

43 Responses to “Latest Liddle outburst: “F*** off back to where you’re from, then, you Muslims.””

  1. steve brown

    Who the fck reads the Independent anyway?

  2. Fony Blair

    Any Muslim who wants to turn this country into a Muslim state can as Rod Liddle so eloquently puts it, “f*ck off back to where they came from”. I think the majority of the UK population would feel the same way and last time I looked we were a democracy where the majority rules.

    It’s all the political correctness and failure to stand up for any shared BRITISH culture that has led in part to the UK becoming a virtual non entity. Every minority seems to be given more prominence than the majority of the population. If you live in tehis country you should live by British values.

    It’s the left’s obsession with minorities and ignoring the majority of the population that has turned a lot of your natural supporters to the BNP. Just think about your actions……go on just once… might actually create some policies that the population can support. Unlikely but possible!!

  3. Balham Bugle

    What is laughable about this theme is the hypocrisy. This blog promotes itself as “provid[ing] evidence-based analysis on British politics, news and policy developments.” It goes on to say that “we are focused purely on the quality of policies and furthering progressive goals, rather than on promoting individual politicians and parties.” It seems reasonable to assume this also means avoiding the business of attacking individuals. Your comments policy precludes personal attacks; does that restriction apply to the blog articles?

    This story is explicitly about attacking an individual, Rod Liddle. It is about accusing him of sexism, racism, anti-science and islamophobia, generally using hyperbole and wilful misrepresentation. I do note that Left Foot Forward does also set itself the target to fight “media manipulation and bias to support a hidden agenda” and “the threat of racism and extremism” (well done you, how’s it going), but I struggle to see how Rod Liddle can be seriously accused of either.

    LLF set itself these, to be honest slightly pompous, goals; it seems reasonable to judge you by them. If you are that concerned about a perceived lack of balance in the news media, you could do an evidence-based analysis on why progressives can’t to bothered to buy the newspapers that they demand should be supplied. You could even argue for public subsidy to provide some public good. Or you could just be a little less hypocritical and say that we are a normal, run-of-the-mill leftish blog with possibly better production values.

  4. Highlander

    Fony Blair – “last time I looked we were a democracy where the majority rules” Funny that. Last time I looked, we were a two, possibly three, party state where the ruling class rules. Are we in the same country?

  5. Rod Liddle? The Independent would be better off with Paul Staines | Mark Pack

    […] does opinionated, personal rants which feed many readers preconceptions. Insults are thrown around. Facts are scattered over arguments to dress up an existing view rather than the basis of deciding […]

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