Is Cameron the 13th Duke of Wybourne?

But after further manual brushing by Hackney graffiti artist, there is a distinct similarity between David Cameron and the 13th Duke of Wybourne.

Brand Republic blogger, Gordon Macmillan, comes to the defence of the Labour party today after Guido Fawkes criticised Labour’s decision to promote “Airbrushed for Change” pictures.

But after some manual brushing by a Hackney graffiti artist – noted by Macmillan – Left Foot Forward notices a distinct similarity between the Tory leader and Fast Show character the 13th Duke of Wybourne.

Macmillan writes:

Tory blogger Guido Fawkes in rushing to label Labour’s move [stealing from the internet], which is a first, as such seemingly ignores several quite obvious points:

A) It’s a viral campaign and doh that’s the point. It is why Clifford Singer who created it made the template freely available (take a look at the new spoofs that have been added to so that others could spoof away – and that they have.

B) This is General Election 2.0 (10) and that’s what this campaign is going to be all about. It’s innovation and change and breaking away from the staid norm.

Guido Fawkes says Labour’s campaign team is devoid of original ideas. I’d say it was quite the opposite.

Guido, Unity of Liberal Conspiracy, and Beau Bo D’Or have been involved in a back and forth over whether the poster on the Labour party website has been further airbrushed.

18 Responses to “Is Cameron the 13th Duke of Wybourne?”

  1. nicola grace munday

    RT @leftfootfwd: Is Cameron the 13th Duke of Wybourne?

  2. sunny hundal

    Aha! Now I know where Cameron's moustache comes from:

  3. Richard Simcox

    RT @sunny_hundal: Aha! Now I know where Cameron's moustache comes from:

  4. thabet

    RT @sunny_hundal: Aha! Now I know where Cameron's moustache comes from: #leadersdebate

  5. Sim-O

    RT @sunny_hundal: Aha! Now I know where Cameron's moustache comes from:

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