What’s the EU ever done for us?

Reading Time: < 1 minute

In this week’s Spectator, Fraser Nelson argues that the relative quiet from eurosceptic Conservatives over David Cameron’s new EU policy is:

“not because they have accepted defeat … but because they are deadly serious about victory”

Of course, Daniel Hannan has resigned his advisory role and Douglas Carswell has announced he will campaign for a referendum.

But a humorous new video – apeing the Life of Brian – asks what has the EU ever done for us.

Watch it:

9 Responses to “What’s the EU ever done for us?”

  1. Kevin Peel

    @msgracefh @theday2day #MontyPython with a political twist: http://tiny.cc/bh1pe < What has the #EU ever done for us?!

  2. Lawrence Mills

    RT @kevpeel @msgracefh @theday2day #MontyPython with a political twist: http://tiny.cc/bh1pe < What has the #EU ever done for us?!

  3. Four reasons Britain should remain in the EU | Left Foot Forward

    […] What’s the EU ever done for us? 12 November […]

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