Tory MEP confuses science with faith

Reading Time: < 1 minute

A Conservative Party MEP today launched a stinging personal attack, with potentially discriminatory connotations, on the Nobel laureate, Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauri – one of the world’s foremost climate experts.

Writing on ConservativeHome, Roger Helmer said that Pachauri’s concerns about the impact of meat farming on carbon emissions were:

“not surprising, perhaps, seeing that in terms of faith he is a Hindu.”

Dr Pachauri is the head of the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) which advises world leaders on what is required to keep global temperatures from reaching dangerously high levels.

Helmer also accused Lord Stern of being “the pin-up economist of the climate hysteria movement” and said one of the reasons he got things “so wrong” is that he was “ignoring the up-sides” of global warming.

Chairman of the liberatarian Freedom Association, Helmer has called the “climate alarmist scare” a “media driven frenzy” and argued it’s a conspiracy to get “more power for governments and supra-national institutions like the EU and the UN.”

Meanwhile in the US, Senator Inhofe has called global warming the “greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people.” Today the Washington Post – a paper with a history of climate denial – accused Senator Inhofe of being “the last flat-earther.”

If only it were so.

11 Responses to “Tory MEP confuses science with faith”

  1. Charlie

    Because the true Tory’s are still the norman-tebbo mob.

  2. Roger Helmer MEP

    I have yet to meet a climate change denier. The climate has always changed, over the short, medium and long-term. Recent changes have been small against the backdrop of the last million years.

  3. Percy

    “Cameron makes, or made, a great song & dance about being green”
    There’s a huge jump between being “green” and doing things that care for the environment, to saying that a slight increase in a couple of gasses will bring about the end of society as we know it therefore we should end all freedoms of society as we know it, just in case – and then calling people names who don’t agree with you.

  4. Billy the Kid

    Not being ‘green’ is not a crime yet.

    Backward yes but not a crime

    With these Control Freaks in government mind you it will be.

    The election cannot come soon enough.

  5. Roger Helmer MEP steps down. He will not be missed | Left Foot Forward

    […] get in to good schools was because they had inherited poor intelligence, and in October 2009 he made a bizarre comment that one of the world’s leading climate experts concerns about the impact of meat farming on […]

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