If welfare spending is out of control the governments of Margaret Thatcher are to blame

It is usually politicians of the left who are accused of letting welfare spending get "out of control", but now seems a good time to look at just when it was that welfare spending began to take off as a percentage of GDP.

It’s usually politicians of the left who are accused of letting welfare spending get “out of control”; but now seems a good time to look at just when it was that welfare spending began to take off as a percentage of GDP.

The first graph shows total welfare spending (including spending on benefits for the unemployed, the disabled, those with children, housing benefit, social protection) whereas the second graph shows welfare spending as a percentage of GDP. In essence, the welfare bill has never recovered from Margaret Thatcher’s mass lay-offs of the 1980s – although as a percentage of GDP it did come down significantly under the last Labour government before climbing again during the banking crash.

Welfare under Thatcher

31 Responses to “If welfare spending is out of control the governments of Margaret Thatcher are to blame”

  1. LB

    Nothing like ignoring the big debts.

    ONS put the increase in pension liabilities, from 2005-2010 at 736 bn A YEAR. Not over all, each and every year.

    Why would you leave that off unless you are going to default?

  2. volcanopete

    As well as the economic impact the political act which defines her is the Poll Tax.

  3. Groucho

    Oh here’s LB with his one point again. Oh no -he does have that other one, that the Nazis were socialists. I forgot about that.

  4. J UK

    Wow, criticising Thatcher on the very day she passed away. Tasteful. Oh, and I got to this by a Facebook link that said “Something you won’t here”. I suppose awful use of English and lack of taste go hand in hand for this bunch of lefties

  5. J UK

    Wow, criticising Thatcher on the very day she passed away. Tasteful.

    Deleting my original comment hardly negates the fact that it’s completely disrespectful.

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