Norman Tebbit calls Left ‘fascists’ then has pop at Dianne Abbot, Sadiq Khan and the LGBT movement

The Conservative life peer and former Thatcher minister said 'real fascism comes from the Left' in a pitiful article for the Telegraph yesterday.

Conservative life peer Norman Tebbit used an article in the Telegraph yesterday to compare the ideology of fascist Oswald Mosley to the policies of Corbyn’s Labour Party.

In the article, Tebbit argues Britain has no history of fascism beyond the career of Oswald Mosley, totally ignoring the National Front in the 60s and 70s and recent growth of violent street movement groups such as National Action.

“We have been fortunate in this kingdom in that we have had only one prominent fascist, Oswald Mosley”, writes Tebbit.

From here, the rambling article goes on to argue that Mosley was left-wing, not right-wing, and that his ideas are similar to those of the modern Labour party.

Tebbit directly compares the policies of Mosley to those of Corbyn’s Labour party: “[Mosley’s] advocacy of nationalisation of industry and a huge programme of public works (and who does that remind you of these days?)…”

Most incredulously, the article ends with some bizarre fist-shaking at Dianne Abbot, Sadiq Khan and the LGBT movement, via a comment about the Garden Bridge.

“Let me end… on a lighter note”, writes Tebbit. Here we go.

“The Labour mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has brought the rather charming floral Thames bridge project to a halt… without money the Garden Bridge Trust has now been closed,” he writes.

“If only Boris had called it the London Garden Bridge Trust (or LGBT for short), Diane Abbot might have fought to the death to save it.”

Perhaps the comments shouldn’t come as a surprise. Bigotry has always been bubbling under the surface it seems.

In 1998, for example, Tebbit wrote in a letter to the Telegraph saying that homosexuals should be barred from holding cabinet posts. Commenting on rumours at the time that Peter Mandelson was gay, Tebbit wrote that LGBT people “like Freemasons… should not be in a position to do each other favours”.

In 1990 he said immigrants could not be considered English unless they supported England the England cricket team.

In 2014, he said that immigration to Britain was preferable from countries that were on the Allied side during the Second World War.

Earlier this year, he used a speech in the Lords to attack an amendment to the Brexit bill for “thinking of nothing but the rights of foreigners” and “[looking] after the foreigners and not the British”, which caused gasps in the House.

Tell us again which side Mosley would have more in common with, Norman?

5 Responses to “Norman Tebbit calls Left ‘fascists’ then has pop at Dianne Abbot, Sadiq Khan and the LGBT movement”

  1. Greg

    And Tebbit is correct – take the racism out of a BNP manifesto and your will have the present Labour manifesto.

    And if we can’t look at the present Antifa movement and not see a similarity to 1930’s Germany Brownshirts, we must all be blind.

    Left Foot Forward may kid itself that it is on the side of good, but it is really an advocate for the same sort of thuggery that brought about the rise of Hitler and Stalin.

    Do you really feel proud of yourself?

  2. John P Reid

    Sadiq Khan who called non sharia law muslims uncle toms, and refused to condemn terrorised he shared a staff with, Duane Abbott is a anti white racist! Although I disagree with Tebbit pointing out that Oswald Mosley was in the Labour Party without pointing out Mosley started in the Tories, a left wing pwrsin can be a fascist, a fascist is someone through oppression overrides democracy

  3. John P Reid

    I thought the article was written to counter James Bloodworth article in the new statesman saying like Mosley Ann Marie waters had swung to the right as she is worried about island homophobia anti semetism, sexism grooming gangs and FGM, well I don’t see how that means she’s like Mosley of swing to the right, in fact any jabour member who ignores Islam doing any of those things god votes has swung to the right

  4. David Lindsay

    Jess Phillips’s receipt of the Labour Whip makes me glad that I am no longer a member of the Labour Party, and proud that I never will be one again. “British Pakistanis import wives for their disabled sons” has it all. Imagine the reaction if Phillips’s good friend Jacob Rees-Mogg, or any other Conservative MP, or anyone from UKIP, had said that.

  5. Will

    Tebbit reminds me of “Chalkie” in the Giles cartoons except that Chalkie was likable. I feel that he is stuck in much the same timezone too. Terrible man.

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